
Showing posts from January, 2020

Underground Drug Tunnel Discovered

By Skylar Wolfe The US Customs and Border Protection Agency announced on Wednesday the discovery of a tunnel on the border between San Diego, CA and Tijuana, Mexico, CNN said.  The tunnel, discovered in August, is the longest of its kind to have been discovered, spanning 4,309 feet, said CNN.  Reaching 70 feet underground and 1,000 feet longer than any previously discovered tunnels, the determination and effort put into this tunnel is apparent. According to the Washington Post , the tunnel contains many sophisticated features, including electricity, plumbing, ventilation, and a rail system, said Theron Francisco , a spokesman with the San Diego Sector of the CBP.  Both the complex features and the size of the tunnel indicate a high level of monetary resources, pointing to construction by drug cartels, according to the Drug Enforcement Administration's Special Agent in Charge,  John W. Callery .   The CBP does not know when the tunnel was last used or by whom, but