Violent crime alerts at the University of Minnesota

By Skylar Wolfe

Several University of Minnesota students have been on high alert after receiving an alert last Tuesday morning that there had been an attempted kidnapping on the university's East Bank.

The alert stated that around 10:30 a.m., a suspect attempted to push the victim into the back seat of a car at the intersection of Sixth St. SE and Tenth Ave SE.

Adeline Saunders
Adeline Saunders, a senior at the university, said she has become more nervous on campus because the crime happened during the day.

"My sister saw the alert before I did," Saunders said. "She messaged me, and was like 'Oh my god, are you okay?'"

The Minnesota Daily reported in January an increase in violent crime in neighborhoods surrounding the university compared to crime rates in 2018.

The Marcy-Holmes neighborhood experienced a 23 percent increase in crime, and the Cedar-Riverside neighborhood experienced about a 33 percent increase in crime from 2018 to 2019, the Minnesota Daily reported.
Stephanie Ye

Though safety is a concern for many students, several have never experienced dangerous incidents.

"I probably should be more safe," said Stephanie Ye, a freshman at the university.  "I think about what could happen when I have to walk back to my dorm at night."

Several students said that the areas surrounding campus feel less safe than campus itself.

Megan Gryzwa
Megan Gryzwa, a junior at the university, said that daytime on campus usually seems safe.

"I feel more nervous walking around at night, especially around Dinkytown or Stadium Village if I'm alone," Gryzwa said. "The light rail is basically off limits to me because I always get harassed."

The university has several programs in place to accompany students around campus if they feel unsafe, including the Gopher Chauffeur and a security monitor escort service.


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