BBC Feature: "The people who moved to Chernobyl"

By Skylar Wolfe

BBC featured a story from October 2018 about a family who escaped war to live near Chernobyl.

The story is extremely compelling, and though long, kept me hooked all the way through.

The quotes are powerful, as the mother of two girls describes how she'd rather risk radiation than be threatened by war and bombings.

The story is enhanced with photographs of the destroyed towns around Chernobyl, alternated with the family playing, caring for animals and picking fruit.

It is interesting that that writer chose to describe their living conditions in Chernobyl first, before describing the reason why they moved and the conditions of their former home.

In a way, this adds mystery and keeps the reader hanging on until they find out why this happened.

I would not change anything about this compelling story.


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