Two children hospitalized after eating THC candy from a food bank

By Skylar Wolfe

Two children were hospitalized after eating THC candy from a food bank in Utah, CNN reported.

The 5- and 11-year-old girls consumed Nerds Rope candy infused with a high dose of THC that the First Baptist Church of Roy had provided, the Roy City Police Department said, according to CNN.

More than 60 bags containing the candies were distributed, with each candy containing around 14 times more THC than a regular adult dosage, according to NBC News.

Three other children also ate the candy, but were not hospitalized, police told NBC News.

The 5-year-old girl was released from the hospital on Saturday, but the status of the 11-year-old is unknown, the CEO of the food bank told CNN.

According to the food bank, the donation process is being changed to prevent another incident from happening, NBC News reported.

There is no evidence that the donation was intentional, Police said to NBC News.


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